Wednesday, 16 October 2013

A new addition and fascinating conversations

I had decided after a long break to knock writing this on the head, I had decided no one was really interested in the ramblings of a middle aged woman with possibly no sense what so ever. The woman who chases fat women around super markets after reduced cakes, the woman who forgets her own name and often is reduced to screaming fits by her equally strange husband. 

Then someone restored my faith in human nature and gave me the kick up the ass I so desperately needed so here goes I can’t promise how many or how often but I will keep going so here we go ....

'Why do people not do what they say?' 

That's a question I'm asked a lot, along with 'am I doing this right'? And 'Do people really like what I do?'

 All these questions and more, some very similar I'm often asked - even after a rather successful evening in London recently when Jonathan managed to captivate an audience of rather famous faces with his rather 'strange' if not very different view of the world. He was explaining how you turn pictures and random sounds into music. It was said in the rather droll 'matter of fact' way that you or I would probably produce an audio description of the making of a cheese sandwich! It was then that the realisation as to how far Jon has come in our time together slapped me across my chops - he had their undivided attention, the what to him was so everyday normal yet to us so strange and different is fascinating to others. I have spent many an evening sat at home watching Jools Holland and his amazing fingers weave tunes from nothing on his piano - I admit I've admired his talent and have welcomed the new year in with him and his many friends many many times - yet here he was stood in front of Jon for 20 minutes absolutely captivated as he explained in full 'neurodiverse' style. On the train on the way home the penny dropped and the evening began to feel very surreal - eh? did that just happen? Wow! Yes he has come such a long way .....and there are new 'things to come' happening right now I can't believe either

I’m very proud of Jon, I try and do my best to support him in the only way I know how. This mainly involves me clinging on for grim death as the ride 'that is our life' throws us from one 'perceived social disaster' to another only too often for my liking!! I am now looking forward to the next period of calm and praying it will last a little bit longer than the last one did and that somewhere within the calm is the possibility of a new pair of shoes at least. Seriously though supporting somebody like Jon is actually extremely difficult, well for me anyway. Possibly he would see it differently but this is my blog so It’s my opinion that counts. 

But It is very hard to almost second guess things, to try and think of answers for things that may never happen like he does and then find solutions for almost 'imaginary problems' that nobody else has ever even thought of - let alone try to solve them before they happen. If I had applied all of these rules to driving on the motor way I would have crashed a long time ago as driving is a very see it and act instantly type of pastime, you do not have the time to think about all the scenarios involved in complex moves - almost like a chess game this I find really tiring as I’m sure he does but for me it really does drain me. I am getting used to it and can fend off most things but occasionally I can’t and more often than not these days Jon's almost sixth sense is proved right as things break or leak just as he said they would a few months before. This isn’t always the case but It brings with it a sense of unease. I find myself in a no win situation and have to decide when the words are going to come out of my mouth and the inevitable row will begin. 'You can't be too careful' 

It was my birthday in September and we decided to buy Horace a friend. We had been looking for a while and I was very worried about how it would change the dynamics of the household but neither one of us were prepared for Weezly (Hektor) a tiny little ginger cross who's mother is a rag doll and who's dad apparently we don't talk about. The fuss and uproar this little fella has caused is unbelievable our days are spent checking where they are who is eating who's dinner and who started the punch - up honestly they are worse than kids! Horace seems to be the main target for jumping on and chasing but as Horace is a lot larger we are keeping a close eye on them. Jon finds the play fighting very stressful but I can see progress is being made just very slowly. 

I wish I could tell you more about things that are going on I can't unfortunately not yet anyway but you can be assured I will when I can. I have how ever attached a link on here to a little documentary about Jonathan it's worth a watch and finally on the train on the way home from London I asked him if he managed to take any photos whilst Jools played the piano or perhaps some of the evening in general yes he said so I have enclosed one of them for you to see very funny indeed....

A very interesting table top ....... Honestly!!!!